Your generosity makes our work possible!


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ATH Móvil Address:
Path / Rescateplayasbqn

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Rescate Playas Borinquen is a corporation in good standing, number 342308 organized under the Laws of Puerto Rico. Donations thereto are tax-exempt under federal IRS section 501(c)(3) (EIN 66-0827186) and Puerto Rico’s “Código de Rentas Internas” Section 1101.01-232 (059909-0018). We are also a certified CECFL Child Poverty Charity.
Pursuant to section 6020.10 of Act 60 of 2019, the amount of the donation increased to $10,000.00 annually, of which the person or entity with the Act 20 or 22 decree may pay directly to a nonprofit organization the sum of $5,000.00 and to the Department of Economic Development for distribution by the legislature the other half ($5,000.00).
Before & After Pictures
Thanks to the generosity of others we have been able to accomplish so much. Here are a few images to show you how your money will be well spent!

From our initiation on July 31, 2013 through December 31, 2023, we have invested over +$600,000 into this project. The graph below represents the totals for the previous 10 years. These totals, are a combination of expenditures "on the books" (blue on graph) with volunteer hours 0r "sweat equity" (green on the graph) for the combined total investment (red on the graph).