Importance of Punta Borinquen
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Located on Puerto Rico’s Northwest coast, “Punta Borinquen” is both locally and federally protected and corresponds to an area of land that exceeds 642 acres.
These areas are classified as "suelo rústico especialmente protegido" (especially protected rustic land). Depicted as green on the municipal map shown adjacent, it is defined as such because of the particularly high value regarding: “location, topography, aesthetics, archeology, ecology” etc. and should never be classified or used as urban land.
On the federal level, as is mandated by way of the "QUITCLAIM DEED" from the Department of Interior, these lands must be perpetually used “for Public Park and Public Recreational Purposes” only.

Despite all of these protections and the natural beauty of the area, before Rescate Playas Borinquen adopted Punta Borinquen, this region was completely abandoned and known for its lawlessness and was a "public disturbance".
Initially, after 10 months of trying to engage the help of any and all corresponding governmental agencies and local organizations with no response we decided to do the work ourselves. Before we adopted the area the roads were inaccessible, the trails were used as an illegal dumping ground, the historic Spanish ruins were covered in graffiti, trash, and used prophylactics; there were no parks, infrastructure, or maintenance of any kind.
We are proud to say this situation has changed! We believe these areas are important to take care of for the following three main reasons: ecology, history and recreation. The next few website pages explores these areas.